Implementation Services
Invasive Species Management
Implemented with minimal environmental impact.
We do so by protecting desirable trees and plant species while carefully removing detrimental and unwanted species such as Minnesota’s common buckthorn.
Buckthorn is one of Minnesota’s most aggressive and damaging invasive plants. The shrub, or small tree, is especially noticeable in woodlands when it forms dense thickets where few other plant species can co-exist. Despite its invasive nature, buckthorn can be successfully managed, manipulated, and reduced by choosing the appropriate management techniques along with consistent follow-up treatments.
Buckthorn seeds can survive in the soil for up to five years, so it’s critical to monitor the affected areas annually. Once the buckthorn is controlled, planting and seeding natives brings back biodiversity and mitigates the invasive species from taking over again.
How do I know which treatment is best for me?
Factors to consider include the area’s accessibility and terrain, time and maintenance, and other surrounding plant types. The mechanical or biological treatments Kanati employs depend on the severity and age of the targeted plant species. We often use more than one of these treatments at a time to achieve the best outcome for invasive species management.
Mechanical treatments
Forestry mulching: the best option for large or more dense areas with mature invasives. Accessibility of the area must first be examined as large equipment is required to perform this treatment. After mowing, regrowth will occur and will be monitored to determine follow-up treatments.
Hand-pulling: Stay ahead of the invasive species by hand-pulling small seedlings, preventing them from taking over your entire wooded property.
Hand-cutting: Performed on any level of infestation and considered the best treatment to control target species. When hand-cutting, the invasives are cut and left lying, which prevents seeds from being scattered around. All hand-cut stumps are basal bark treated with Garlon 4 and Bark Oil Blue. Invasive species such as Buckthorn can be cut and chemically treated anytime of the year, but it is most effective when applied between late Summer and Fall when surrounding foliage begins to go dormant.
Biological treatments
Prescribed grazing: Focusing on young plants, we use goats to graze on buckthorn and other invasive species in their reach. When grazing repeatedly, the goats can deplete nutrient storage in the plant to keep it from thriving. The goats are held in paddocks dividing the targeted areas and are continuously monitored for the health of the livestock and progress.