An SWCD in Minnesota Engages Kanati for Education

An SWCD in Minnesota Engages Kanati for Education
An SWCD in central Minnesota hired Kanati to implement marketing and outreach services for them.
The Process
The ongoing efforts include developing a marketing strategy and content calendar, increasing social media presence, planning, organizing, and promoting events, and creating awareness and education for them to share as an organization to the public. By doing so, the county essentially added capacity to their staff without hiring new employees and allowed more opportunity for the public to learn about conservation and the opportunities and resources available to them.
Following a systematic approach to drive education and awareness, Kanati uses research not assumptions, considers the social context, keeps the focus on the audience, involves partners and communities throughout, sets realistic objectives and considers cost effectiveness. To engage their targeted audience, Kanati chooses strategies that are motivational and action-oriented, media channels that are relevant, and ensures quality at every step. By giving attention to how to improve outreach efforts, the public feels invited to learn more and to get involved. This in turn, brings more awareness to the importance of conservation and sheds light on the realistic avenues that can lead to implementation.
The Results
Knowledge-raising and awareness-building are often not enough to change behavior. In order to move beyond traditional approaches, Kanati utilizes a multi-disciplinary approach with techniques such as audience segmentation. The SWCD is now maximizing their impact by segmenting their audience into subgroups and tailoring outreach campaigns to such groups. With effective communication and education now in place, the SWCD has distinguished themselves as a household name within their community and has successfully relinquished mistaken notions and improved people’s awareness of the importance of conservation and how their Soil and Water Conservation District can help.