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  • If you take your food plots seriously, then you need serious equipment.

    Whether you’re a landowner looking to improve your property’s habitat and soils, or an avid hunter looking to create an enticing destination for wildlife, creating a successful food plot requires the right tools.  Kanati is here to help set you up with the right food plot equipment from brands such as PH Outdoors, Kasco, and Packer Maxx. We not only provide recommendations, but we can also help with equipment set-up and handling.

No Till Food Plot Equipment

A game-changer for sustainable land management and wildlife habitat improvement. The use of no-till equipment is an innovative approach to minimize soil disturbance and promote soil conservation while providing significant time and cost savings. Among the key tools in the no-till line-up are Roller Crimpers and No-Till Drills.

An eco-friendly alternative to traditional tillage, the Roller Crimper is a heavy implement that rolls over cover crops, flattening and crimping them to create a natural mulch layer. This mulch suppresses weeds, conserves moisture, and enhances soil health.

No-Till Drills are specialized seed planters that can precisely insert seeds into the undisturbed soil under the mulch layer, ensuring optimal seed-to-soil contact and promoting successful germination. By adopting no-till food plot equipment, you can expect long-term soil health, thriving food plots and enhanced biodiversity on your property.

Contact us for service inquiries or an on-site consultation to get started.